SASBE2009 Sustainable Industry Day

SASBE2009 Sustainable Industry Day

SASBE2009 will be held on 15-19 June 2009 in Delft, the Netherlands. The 3rd CIB International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Built Environments will be the stage for everyone with a proactive attitude towards climate change and energy depletion. We invite everyone – private and public parties from the markets as well as academics – to join us in presenting solutions rather than problems at SASBE2009.

The emphasis at SASBE conferences is on an integrated approach via different disciplines and different scales. SASBE2009 focuses on smart solutions for the built environment in a changing climate. It therefore supports a positive attitude, using climate change and limited resources as a stimulus for better planning, design and construction, and the development of sustainable real estate and clean and effective technology, cradle to cradle.

The Sustainable Industry Day: a novelty to the world of conferences
International conventions usually have a rather academic purpose, whereas national commercial seminars omit the possibility of interaction and contributions by proposal. SASBE2009 will boast a new feature to this traditional arrangement: the Sustainable Industry Day. This day, public and private parties will get the opportunity to present their sustainable visions, approaches and projects to the world. This programme will be organised alongside the academic programme, enabling interaction between market and science.

We challenge you!
We invite you to present you vision, strategy, projects and hands-on experience in the area of sustainability, climate change and smart technology. Best proposals will be awarded the opportunity to be presented to an international audience of public and private parties, researchers and students.
Your proposal will be reviewed by our independent Scientific Board, looking at the following (non-scientific) criteria: ambition, originality, efficacy and general quality. Proposals should not be too commercial: it is all about the quality of content.

State your proposal for presentation on one A4 and send it to

Advantages to attend SASBE2009
 Learn from cutting-edge research and latest market developments
 Use SASBE2009 for the education of employees
 Meet forerunners in the public and private market
 Meet potential business partners
 Meet top researchers
 Recruit young engineers and students

We hope to meet you in Delft!

For more information please visit our website: or ask us:

We hope to meet you in Delft!

Andy van den Dobbelsteen
SASBE2009 Conference chair

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