Cradle to cradle landscapes in the Netherlands

Since the summer of 2007, a wave goes through Europe: the "Cradle to cradle"
approach was introduced. It is based on cycles of nutrients and energy; waste equals
food. In the Netherlands, we already have a ‘hands-on’ approach to our environment and we
are used to work in regional designs. Many “Cradle to cradle” concepts exist on smaller scale (industrial products, architecture), but a way to apply the “Cradle to cradle” approach to the regional design, has not been developed yet.

Landscapes are ever-changing, formed by natural and human processes and dynamics that give form to the functions and the dimensions of the landscape. Landscape architecture plays a vital role in dealing with these processes.

In our densely populated country, the landscape is a product of culture: it is made into a production landscape. Investigating the agricultural processes, we can conclude that the technical approach
was insensitive to ecological principles.

A future perspective lies in the sustainable development that nature gives us as an example. Instead of organizing our landscape solely to meet our present-day demands, we will have to design it in such a way that it can provide many services in a sustainable way, while the landscape remains identical and appealing. In this way, the potentials of the site are used to make regenerative landscapes that provide not only food and materials but also renewable energy, biodiversity and attractive living for its inhabitants.

Het hele essay: Designing Cradle to cradle landscapes

Author: Arjen Meeuwsen, co-author: Sven Stremke

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