SASBE2009 Sustainability Challenge CIB Students Competition

SASBE2009 Sustainability Challenge CIB Students Competition

SASBE2009 is the 3rd CIB International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Built Environments. The conference will be held in Delft, the Netherlands, 15-19 June 2009. Central theme is "From problem to promise – building smartly in a changing climate". CIB has made available prize money for an international student competition.

The challenge is to propose a concept for a living area or single home that produces sustainable energy that equals out energy consumption. This includes energy for mobility, operation of buildings, product and food production, etcetera.
We like you to address the following topics:
- Concept of an energy-producing urban environment or solitary house and all its features
- A vision on the different energy sources
- Energy supply, demand, exchange and storage in time and space
- Integration of the latest available technology and ideas on sustainability
- The scale of being self-supporting

The setting is an urban environment with different means of transport (private and public). You may chose to combine urban functions or make a proposal for a mono-functional setting.

The competition’s protocol
In the first phase of the competition you may present your concept on four A4s (or two A3s). The content of this presentation preferably contains:
- A 3D drawing of the total design presenting the spatial quality
- Maps or floor plans
- List of systems, products and materials
- Diagrams of energy flows and the relations to other flows in the system
- Description of the concept over different time-spans (day and night, summer and winter)
- Explanation of the technologies involved, referring to (soon) available technologies
Use a maximum of 500 words; the use of references is highly appreciated. We like to receive your entry digitally and in hardcopy before 28 February 2009. SASBE2009
TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture
PO Box 5043
2600 GA Delft
The Netherlands

The jury will select five nominees for the second and final stage. Notification on 31 March 2009.
Nominees will be invited to develop their concept into a realistic plan. Further instructions will follow in time. The selected teams will receive a budget for this second phase if one agrees to deliver the final entry before the 15th of May 2009.

At the SASBE2009 conference the five nominated designs will be on display for our international visitors. On the 18th of June the jury chair will announce a winner. The winning design team will get the possibility to present at the conference.

The awards
  The five finalists will:
- receive € 150 to prepare their presentation
- have free entrance to SASBE2009
- present their plan at the conference, during the lunch session on Tuesday 16 June
- have their plan presented on two pages in a book presented after the conference

 The winner will
- receive € 2000 prize money
- have their plan presented on four pages in the book
- present their prize-winning plan at the closing session of the conference (18 June)
- be published on, and,
as well as an architecture or sustainability magazine.

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